Sunday, March 30, 2014

My Favourite Subject

My favourite subject is history. Maybe it is partly due to genes because my father is also interested in history albeit in a racial sense. He has read widely on the history of the Indian subcontinent, where are our forefathers came from, and he has even formulated his own anthropological conclusions in his dozen or so large notebooks. He has delved deeply into the subject, tracing the development of the Indian race and its diverse dultures, traditions and religions from the time of the civilisation of the Indus Valley nearly five thousand years ago.

Possibly my interest arouse from my father's enthusiasm for Indian history but, in my case, this enthusiasm has outgrown this regional restriction. 

I love reading about all civilisations aand all periods of history : ancient, medieval and modern.

I have read about all the great civilisations of the past. I have been fascinated by the ancient Egyptians. I have wondered how so many millenia ago, when science and technology must have been at its very primitive stage, the Egyptians were able to build the huge pryramids which still stand today as a tribute to the wonders of the ancient world.

I have read about the rise and fall of many civilisations. The Babylonians, Phoenicians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Mongolians and many others. I have read of he conquests of Alexander the Great and Genghis Khan, who tried to conquer and rule the world - and almost succeeded! And much more recently, just a little more than  half a decade ago, the ruthless "Der Fuehrer" of Germany, Adolf Hitler, tried to do the same in World War II.

My interest and enthuasiasm for history has led me to believe that history does repeat itself. When we look carafully at the historical records, we can find many similarities in the many different civilisation have always been the factors that led to their decline.

We can learn a lot from history as it teaches us man's triumphs and follies of the past. We can tread a similar path to the triumphs for our own progress and avoid the pitfalls of folly to prevent our own downfall.


Advertisements are found everywhere. Newspapers, magazines, billboards, television, radio and over the internet. People and companies advertise for a variety of reasons : to promote product, to seek suitable candidates for job placements, to buy or sell cars or properties, to sell their services, to seek business opportunities or partners and even to seek life partners.

Advertisements definitely play a role in this age of information technology. If a person or firm does not advertise its service or product, how is the world to know of its existense? Therefore, large corporations advertise heavily to ensure that their products and services are made known to the consumers.

Almost all magazines and periodicals survive through advertisement and not through subscriptions. The revenues brought in through advertisement ensure that these publications run profitably.

An employer looking to recruit advertises in the newspapers outlining the criteria needed for the suitable candidate. The newspaper, read throughout the country, brings the prospective employee to his prospective employer. How else is an employer to find the best man or women for the job? The same goes for people buying or selling cars or properties. Advertisements bring the two parties together. 

Though advertisements can be seen as useful tool from these examples, it is also being unscrupulously exploited by some to mislead the public into impulsive buying.

Examples of these are the "special' shampoos, hair creams, hair restoration products, detergents that remove the toughest strains, three-minute exercise machines that make you lose pounds in days, and many more. Every company is competing with its rival to 'proof' that its product is the best by using gorgeous models (with long silky hair for shampoo and hair products), 'laboratory' demonstrations and other 'scientific' methods. People who believe these 'wonder products' rush out to purchase them only to regret later.

It is my opinion that advertisers should be truthful and scrupulous and that advertisements should be minimised and based on actual necessity rather than based on the company's advertising budget.


Cheating has becomes a very common activity in our modern society. Many people indulge in this practice to make a quick buck without too much effort.

There are many instances where innocent people have been made to part with their money by confidence tricksters selling "magic stone" and charms that will bring prosperity to the users. After paying exorbitant sums for these fake articles, the gullible buyers ultimately realise that they have paid hard-earned money for worthless pieces of junk.

Then, there are the big-time crooks. These people set up huge counterfeiting operations to produce imitation goods. Branded clothes, handbags, belts and other accessories are copied closely and produced at a fraction of the genuine articles' cost and sold as originals. Even toiletries and over-the-counter medicine and are being unscrupulously imitated.

Lately, there has been a rise in the manufacturing and selling of pirated compact discs. All forms of CD's are being pirated : audio CD's, video CD's and computer software. CD piracy has become such a big business that both the entertainment and information technology industries are alarmed at this trend that cuts deeply into the profits of the legitimate copyright holders. 

It seems impossible to stop all these cheating activity. The authorities are doing their best to curb such practices but we must also do our part. We should not let greed or superstition make us victims of confidence tricksters, never patronise dealers of ill repute that sell imitation goods as originals and keep away from touts and pedlars that hawk pirated compact discs.

Why I would Like to be Rich

Everbody wants to be rich and no one wants to be poor by their own choice. This is a fact. Even the rich wants to be richer and the very rich wants to be super rich. In a materialistic word, money is an indispensable
commodity which everyone, younger or old, man or women, seeks.

Everyone has their own reasons for seeking wealth. I have mine as well and these are my reasons. 

Firstly, I would build my dream house. It would be in a quite and secluded area away from the busy city. It would be built on a large tract of land which would also include facilities such as a swimming pool, a tennis court, a badminton court and a jogging track that would run around the perimeter of the estate. It would also have a beautiful garden and a barbecue area for garden parties.

Then, I would also like to own a large yacht in which i could sail out to the sea. The yacht would have a well-stocked larder with the best foods and drinks available so that my guests and i could stay at sea for several days or weeks at a stretch.

I would have my own jet plane in which I could fly to anywhere in the world at a moment's notice. I could be in Kuala Lumpur one day and in Paris the next and then in Johannesberg the following day.

Then I also like to help people. I would start a charity foundation to help the needy. I would award scholarships to exceptionally talented youths so that they would be able to further their education without thought of financial worries. I would also set up homes for the aged and handicapped.

Finally, I would donate a princely sum to medical research. Scientists have note found a cure to deseases such as cancer and Aids. It would be good to render my help to such worthy causes.

These are my reasons for wanting to be rich.

Home Hygiene

Pest and insects like the houseflies, ants, mosquitoes, cockroaches and lizards are nuisance to health and comfort in the home. Though many people use generous amounts of insecticides in its many forms (sprays, coils, nets, etcetera), it seems that it has little or no effect on these creatures. The only way to ensure that our homes are pest-free is to make our surroundings as non-conducive as possible for their breeding and presence.

Mosquitoes are parasites which live on the blood of man and other animals and they are also carriers of deadly diseases such as malaria and dengue fever. Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water. So, we should never leave any water stagnant for a long period of time. We have to ensure that water does not collect in any area surrounding homes and make it possible for mosquitoes to breed. Likewise, drains and pipes should be cleaned regularly. 

Spider like to spin cobwebs in dark corners inside and outside the house. Therefore, it is wise to clean these corners once in a while so that these infrequented corners do not become homes for spiders and other creepy crawlies.

Houseflies breed in rubbish. Many people leave their rubbish in open garbage bins which attracts flies. The flies will then swarm over to the kitchen and infect the food left open in plates and pans. The best way to keep food covered at all times. Rubbish should be disposed in plastic bags tied securely with a knot before putting it into the garbage bin. The garbage bin should also be always covered.

Ants and cockroaches search for bits of food lying about in the house. Cockroaches also thrive in filth and dirt. Therefore, ensure that the house, and especially the kitchen, is swept and cleaned everyday so that no particles of food are left on the floor. All eating and cooking utensils should be kept in pest-proof containers. Drawers and cabinet should also be checked periodically to ensure that ants and cockroaches are not breeding within them.

Therefore, to ensure that our homes are pest-free, we have to adopt cleanliness and hygiene as our way of life.

My Favourite Author

             One of my favourite authors is Michael Crichton. He has written several bestsellers such as "Jurassic Park" and its sequel "The Lost World", "The Andromeda Strain", "Eaters of the Dead" and "Rising Sun". He is also the creator of the award-winning television series "E.R."

          Michael Crichton is a wonderful storyteller. He spins his tales with true-to-life characters and his intricately woven plots are realistic. It is obvious that Michael Chrichton does a good deal of research for all his science fiction novels are based on known scientific facts and sound theories. He does not invent unbelievable fantasies, like some others whom I do not want to name, to attract readers.

          For example, in "Jurassic Park", Michael Crichton painstakingly portrays the means which the dinosaurs were cloned. The scientists first look for preserved blood-sucking insects of the Mesozoic Era in dried and hardened tree sap. Next, the look for traces of dinosaur blood in the insects. The tiny amounts that they extract from the insects are then used to clone the dinosaurs. One can discern that Michael Chrichton's knowledge of paleontology and medical science is awesome when he reads the two dinosaur novels.

          In "The Andromeda Strain", he tells the tale of a deadly bacteria brought to Earth by a space craft. The bacteria kills people in seconds by clotting their blood solid. Again, his immense scientific knowledge comes into play when he writes this novel about how five scientists race against time to find a solution to nullify the effects of this bacteria. This was his first book written in 1969 and more than thirty years, it is still in print and reamins in great demand by readers all over the world.

          Many of Michael Crichton's novels have been made into box-office hits. It is undeniable that this master storyteller is able to attract readers and audiences alike regardless of the medium, be it books or movies.

Friday, March 28, 2014


Free to be teenagers? What is the free? Based on oxford student’s dictionary, freedoms define as the right to use something with nothing to limit you. So, freedom is not been control by someone else. Actually, there have level of freedom for teenagers. The level of teenagers is based of parents or guardian. The types of freedom can divide to three stage of life such as teenagers, young and old. But, let we consternation to teenagers.

Personally, giving freedom to teenagers is the best way because their can explore themselves. When we give chance to them, there have the ability to know what good and bad things. There don’t listen to us but when it happen to them their will know. Besides that, the teenagers have chance to experience so that their can learnt from the past. For examples, you can play video games but only for 3 hours. Give a freedom with condition.

Nowadays, the current treats on these matters is the teenagers lazy because there are prefer to play. It is because lazy to study like playing hand phone in the class. Teenagers will lazy in the class. Another example, teenagers don’t like to go extra class but parents send to extra class. So teenagers do not feel freedom in their life. The teenagers attract with other teenagers to run away. 

I think teenager should give freedom because of several reasons such as the teenagers should learn something in the current flow or modern flow. For instance, teenagers should using at least hand phone so that their not humiliated by their friends or situations. Besides, there are out dated in the community. By given them freedom with condition their actually will able to explore and learn how to choose a healthy community.

I think is wise to give freedom to teenagers since teenagers like to get what their want. So if we don’t give them a freedom their will rebel but be careful don’t give 100% of freedom. A good illustration of these teenagers can go out with our friends but make sure you come home before 12am.

In the conclusion, teenagers should give a chance to improve themselves by giving the freedom with condition. Besides, parents should also take chance to improve and learn to understand teenager’s way. So that, they won’t control teenagers too much but control with condition. Like put you in someone shoes.


What is Depression? Based on Oxford Student’s dictionary depression define as a feeling of unhappiness that last for long time. In the medical condition and may have physical sign such as unable to sleep. Actually, there have different between women desperation and men desperation. For men, to overcome depression is simple than women.

First step to overcome women desperation is treating you. For treat yourself to massage, pedicure, hairstyle and more. When you treat yourself, you will become happy because you will look pretty and beautiful. The way you like. It will be cheaper to expensive. To cheap you just need to do hairstyle. It all depends on your beget your choose. 

Second step is doing shopping. Either window shopping or real shopping that will have best treatment to you is that there you’re will be excited to see lots of things such as handbag, shoes, dress, and many more. Mostly, when you entire shopping complex you will never feel tried in mentally or physically.  

Eating chocolate is good for your health. From internet surfing shows that by eating chocolate it can reduce the heart attract, protect blood inflammation, prevent cancer. The best things of chocolates is it good to your skin, life longer and it straight your brain. What else you want from chocolate? But be careful don’t overdoes it will give you sickness.

The last step to overcome women stress is to sing, laugh out loud. When you’re sung it can control your blood pressure besides you’re can practice you’re voice to get better. If all things won’t help you the best medicine is pray. By praying you may calm down, knowing your mistake, have a silent moment to yourself. Besides, you got space for yourself when you’re praying. God listening to all your problems there are hope for God help to your problems.

            So in the conclusion, I can conclude that their got different way to you overcome your Depression. By using the few tips to overcome it will have happy lifestyle. Personally, I got my principle to my style isDon’t Have a Hope; Otherwise you’re Will Be Heartbroken’. I always applied it and it is the best to your life also. So live out your life without any Depression.

Monday, March 24, 2014


Syura is the first principle that emphasizes on the importance of managing through teamwork. Syura consists of meeting in accordance to Islamic approach and by following the guidelines of the Quran and Sunnah. The Muslim leaders are obligated to consult those with knowledge or expertise and those who would provide good advice. The practice of Syura will enable members of an organization to participate in the decision making process. In other words, every member in the organization is given fair opportunity to voice their opinions freely without hesitation.

For example, Prophet Muhammad s.a.w he himself was a great leader. Despites of the highest position he held, he always refer  and respect the decisions made by the members of Syura. This whether to confront the unbelievers outside Medina or within Medina itself. After consulting sahabahs (companions), Salman al-Farsi suggested that is better to confront the unbelievers in Medina. In order to do so, the muslims must weaken the foreign supports of the unbelievers. The Muslim should dig a ditch to prevent the enemies from entering Medina

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Health vs Wealth

Health vs Wealth
Health and Wealth are two words that are considered very important for the survival of humanity. Health is Wealth goes a saying. It is indeed true. Health is looked upon as wealth. Wealth on the other hand results in happiness that in turn results in good health. Hence both are inter-related to a great extent.
The word ‘health’ is used in connection with many other words as mental health, physical health, family health, general health and the like. On the other hand the word ‘wealth’ is mainly used in the sense of monetary abundance. Wealth means money. In the figurative sense the word ‘wealth’ is used in various other expressions such as ‘literary wealth’, ‘monetary wealth’, ‘wealth of information’, ‘wealth of knowledge’ and the like.
The word ‘wealth’ is more often used in figurative expressions than the word ‘health’. It is important to look after both of them with great attention. Health has to be safeguarded with attention and care. Wealth too has to be safeguarded with care and attention.
Wealth if spent gets lost and on the other hand health if left uncared perishes. Wealth gets accumulated by hard work and perseverance. On the other hand health gets accumulated by discipline and cleanliness. Hygiene contributes to health whereas earnings contribute to wealth.
One of the greatest differences between health and wealth is that wealth can be stolen and robbed. Hence wealth needs to be protected in banks and safes against robbery. Health need not be protected against robbery. It is always within you and you can look after it or spoil it depending upon the principles you uphold and discipline you follow.
Too much of wealth may not provide the security and the happiness you may need. On the other hand very good health is certain to provide the security and the happiness you are looking for.

Monday, March 17, 2014


         Just two days we meet, we sleep, ate and shopping together. We don’t know much about us. But we still sharing the laughter and the sadness. When we think how about the first meet up. We properly says I don’t know it. We just meet together. We take care each other very well. We wake up for prayers, going to class at the same time, we advise them when we had a mistake openly. 

     Most of time, the room is nosier until our neighbor ask us ‘Why are you noisy all the time?’ We just answer are ‘Are we too loud?’ today is our first month of anniversary as a roommate. Between a month of roommates many obsolete we been threw having love problem, family problem and others. We grateful to God for giving a relationships as a best friend. Thanks God.

        We carrying each others such as if  Nad coming late after 12 am we ask, scold and advise  them. Besides we waiting for them to come at room. If Puti went to  hometown some of us could't slept properly. But when she bring the food we will laugh out loud. For Fatin we always childish fight  to see who will give-up. For Genji, we always mimic talk because she so cute when she say like 'Lol, hebat mama hebat' and others that. Besides, We always clean our room together for each two week in a month.

      The best moment is we celebrate Genji birthday, we going to Dominions Pizza, shopping, walking under moon light and others. At there, properly all people looking us because we are too noisy. Actually other thinks we are noisy but for us we are having fun with busy schedule as a student. For me, I always advise them to study. Last word for me is We hope a relationship as roommates and has friend will stick along with Puti, Nad, Fatin ,Genji and Jay.


 Even thought it has been a week.  We all busy praying and hopping the best for MH 370. But what actually we had done? I wonder are we really praying and hoping the best?  The issue of shaman or  ‘bomoh’ had  popular enough . Their even  got an application for android to download it. Okay let we think positif site, I can assume that shaman also want to try for helping MH 370. The negatif site of this, perhaps their want to be popular. But come to think , I don’t think Islam is like that and it will confuse other who convert in Islam. For what I been thought is if you want something just do prayer intention or ‘solat hajat’  and pray to them. That will be enough.

When MH 370 missing  all country come for help such as America, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, German, Singapore, China and Malaysia. All country support aid such as Helicopter, Submarine, Navy and others. There are trying the best for MH 370. Many speculation has cross by in media. But the confirmation of any speculation is quiet slow. But come to think it,  I’m not at their place so I did know the situation maybe it quite difficult especially for their family, friends, and government to handle all of speculation especially from media such as CNN,  Awani and others. What we should do is to investigate and take the true one . Not just take it from other media social like Facebook, twitter  and others.

        So, we as a Malaysia we are embarrassed by the shaman activity in the KLCC Airport. Besides, I think we are not educated enough to helping the government to settle down MH370 but we still drown the speculations. I think we should be mature to settle the problems and think of out box. For Islamic thoughts, the most important thing is back to basic. It means that back to Al-Quran and Al-Sunnah. I fell proud to be a part of teams that contribute the song to those who are involved in MH 370.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Formula 1

Formula One, also known as Formula 1 or F1 and referred to officially as the FIA ​​Formula One World Championship, is the highest class of racing formula one car seat. Formula One championship season consists of a series of races, known as Grand Prix held at racetracks or on closed roads to determine the two World Championships, one for drivers and manufacturers.

Formula One racing is among the fastest cars in the world, and can reach speeds of over 350 km / h. Depending on the performance of the cars electronic systems, aerodynamics, suspension and tires.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

My Home Town

CITY Ipoh is the state capital of Perak is now known as Perak Amanjaya. For those who have not traveled to Ipoh, there are many interesting places that you should know in Ipoh.

For lovers of flora and fauna, the beauty of the artificial lake of “Gunung Lang” promises a peaceful immersion. Its location on Jalan Kuala Kangsar. The lake is inhabited by many species of ornamental fish, ducks and many other species of aquatic life. In addition to the environment surrounding the lake by boat, you can also drop by to visit the island opposite the Two Towers. There was a mini zoo, rest homes, home concept, two towers, ornamental plants and flowers, playground and natural beauty of the hills and mountains around the island.

For relaxing recreation and exercise, you can come in two popular locations in Ipoh. First, Recreational Parks Sultan Abdul Aziz or better known as the 'Padang Polo'. Tracks and footpaths and jogging around the park are provided. There are locations of river stone reflexology, aerobic exercise place, service electric motorcycle for children,  playground,  mini lake, sports and activities, futsal courts, police and mobile food stalls offering a variety of laksa and cendol. The second location is Recreation Park D.R. Seenivasagam better known as the “Taman D.R.” There are football field, a netball court, a mini zoo, playground, water activities on the lake, and the most interesting is the Japanese Garden serving the art and landscape diversity of the rising sun.